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Thailand Adventures

The places to explore in Bangkok, and how adjustable life is for the first few weeks

Thailand, Week 2.

Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha)
Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha)

I am officially half way done my one month stay in Thailand. When I first arrived it was such a culture shock I played it safe by only eating the foods I was familiar with. Now I am starting to notice that I am becoming a little more adventurous with the foods I eat. Even if I don't know what it is I just ask and try at least one bite. Pad Thai is what everyone thinks of when you talk about Thailand and so far it is one of my favourite dishes. I have never tried Pad Thai in Canada so I can't say whether it tastes like home or is more authentic. However it is a must try when visiting the country. Depending on where you travel the closer to the ocean or river you are the more seafood you will see on the menu's when going to a restaurant. Something that is not big in my diet in Canada but a big part of the Thai diet. When I cook for myself I usually use basic seasoning (salt, pepper, seasoning salt.) but here they are very adventurous and the food is always full of flavor. For right now, I can say that I'm still eating but slowly broadening my palate. The culture on the other hand is a big change as well. Not shaking someones hand when meeting them for the first time is something that I had to get used to right away but wasn't easy. Thai people are generally quiet people and for me, when I am talking to a large group I want everyone to hear me clearly but I still want to be quiet enough; Now I am caught in the middle. The culture and the people are what you come for and so far everything and everyone has been wonderful, and very welcoming. certainly an incredible experience that you can't let slip through your fingers.

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